
Worship & Creative Ministries

Worshiping the one true God should be at the core of who we are, what we do and how we live. For not only is God worthy of all our praise, God is honoured by our acts of worship and it ushers in His Spirit and brings change. Forgiveness, revelation, healing, victory, joy and peace are all outworking’s of praising God and worshiping Him.

Worship comes in many formats and we often use a number of them when we gather together. Prayer, communion, preaching and music to name some. We also regularly weave creativity through our worship services as another avenue to connect with God and allow His Spirit to speak to us.

We have a worship team who practice mid-week on Wednesday nights and then lead worship on Sunday’s.

Ministry & Mission

Alliance Institute for Mission

The Alliance Institute for Mission is the official training arm of the Christian & Missionary Alliance of Australia, an evangelical church that has been in Australia since the sixties. Founded in 1971, the primary purpose of the Institute has been to serve the local church by training men and women for Christian ministry. Since 2007, we have partnered with the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM) in order to offer quality accredited training.

New Award - Master of Intercultural Ministry (MIM)

Designed with input from both missiologists and experienced Alliance missionaries, The Master of Intercultural Ministry (MIM) is an 18 month full-time (up to 4.5 years part-time) award that prepares the student for effective intercultural service. Whilst the call to take the gospel into all the world hasn’t changed, the ways in which we engage in mission continue to develop as new opportunities and possibilities arise. The MIM has been designed to provide practical engagement in key skills and knowledge to help students develop effective intercultural ministry practices for today. Connections with missiologists, current and past international workers and practical field instruction throughout the award will also assist in building key competencies for intercultural ministry. This focused award which is biblically grounded and theologically astute will prepare students for effective intercultural service wherever God may call them. Please see the attached brochure for specific details of the award.

Rev Dr Rod Russell-Brown has accepted the position of Associate Dean of the Alliance Institute for Mission. Rod will be directing the operation of the award and will be managing its day-to-day implementation. After 15 years as National President of the C&MA of Australia, Rod is well connected with the broader Alliance field and has already been connecting with Alliance workers from around world. I’m very excited about the potential for this new award to develop the next generation of Australian Alliance Missionaries

Exploring Faith


Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge.

Alpha typically runs sessions over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone's welcome. Each Alpha has three key things in common: food, a talk and good conversation. Alpha is both for those who want to know more about Christianity and those who already believe in Jesus but want to grow in their understanding of Him.

We run Alpha at least once a year, usually on a Sunday evening.

Ministry & Mission

Mission Exposure Trips

The Alliance has a rich heritage of reaching out across the globe with the God News of Jesus. We believe we have a calling as part of the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. Therefore, while we are passionate about connecting to our local community and reaching out within our own families, city and nation, we also want to create opportunities to reach out overseas.

Currently our short-term mission trips are done in partnership with Alliance Youth Australiaand Heartfelt Hope, who offer a couple of trips each year.


Get Involved

We are always looking for new volunteers to help us in our programs! Please contact us using the form below if you're interested in helping out.

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