
Giving at Woden Valley Alliance

Giving comes from a heart that overflows with gratitude and thankfulness.Thank you for the gifts you give. It helps us share the "Good News" to our local community and around the world.

More Information about Giving

C&MA International and National Workers are supported through donations to the Great Commission Fund. Members of Alliance Churches are encouraged to support the Faith Promise (GCF) through our local church. You can make your Faith Promise contribution here. You can also support our mission via donations here even if you have not made a Faith Promise pledge.

The offerings made here go to support the local work of the Alliance Church Woden Valley.

Donations made to the Deacons Fund go to help people in need in our local community.

The offerings made here go to support the local work of the Covenant Life Alliance Church.

This once yearly giving is a love offering between you and God. This should not replace your usual Tithe but be an extra offering on top of what you would normally give. Generally, we give from our overflow, may this be a gift from your heart to God’s.